PERDIDA (2022) an operetta produced as a ThroughLines interdisciplinary event at the University of Northern Colorado. For singer/conductor/guitarist (mezzo-range) in the lead role, soprano and bass singers, two dancers, and flute, percussion, piano, and double bass. Text by Jolie González Masmela and Paul Elwood, stage direction by Rand Harmon, choreography by Kimberly Clay.
NEBULAE (2021) Premiere by flutist James Hall and pianist Susie Maddocks, l’Église Saint Merry, Paris, July 17, 2021.
HEDY LAMARR: SNOW WHITE UNDER THE KNIFE (2020) an opera on the life of actress Hedy Lamarr in 18 one-minute scenes for Amy Maples, soprano, Caitlyn Moore, mezzo-soprano, Myles Roberts, flute, and Kathleen Supove, piano. Libretto by Elwood. Filmed in September 2022. To be posted sequentially on Instagram and YouTube beginning in January 2023.
VIOLET SHADOWS (2020) duo composed for guitarist Nathan Fischer and pianist Mireia Frutos. Premiere pending.
MILONGA DE ALBORNOZ (2020) for oboe, piano, violin, cello. Commissioned by and composed for Bélen Hernandez, Romina Monsanto, Laura Pimentel, and Pablo Hernandez. Premiere pending.
ATALANTA IN ATLANTIS (2020) in three movements, for mezzo-soprano and bowed/plucked five-string banjo. For Alice Simmons. Premiere pending.
FOUR NOCTURNES FOR LINA (2020) for solo piano. For Lina Elwood, premiere pending.
THE TAMING (2019) chamber opera with libretto by Brian Luedloff based on the Taming of the Shrew. Premiere November 22-24, 2019, at the University of Northern Colorado, UNC Opera Theatre.
SIX QUESTIONS (in seven movements) (2019) for cello and oboe. Premiere by Romina Monsanto, cello, and Pablo Hernandez, oboe, October 28, 2019, University of Northern Colorado.
PODIUM (2019) for solo conductor. Premiere by Inés Rodriguez on October 28, 2019, University of Northern Colorado.
SAFERNOC (2019) for mezzo-soprano Alice Simmons and violinist Tamasin Coates, in three movements with two interludes. Premiere at St. Katherine’s Church, Savernake Forest, Marlborough, UK, May 25; repeat performance at Burgh House, Hampstead, London, May 26. Text by the composer.
DARK GEOMETRIES (2018) for solo violin and piano. Bélen Hernandez doctoral violin lecture-recital with pianist Ivana Muncan. University of Northern Colorado, Milne Auditorium, April 18, 2019.
GHOST THEATRE (2018) for four percussionists. Premiere by the University of Northern Colorado Percussion Ensemble under the direction of Mike Truesdell, March 26, 2019.
LULU OF THE PLAINS (2018) soprano, chamber ensemble, electronics, and video. The text by Paul Elwood is a depiction of the early life of silent film actress Louise Brooks. Premiere conducted by Inés Rodriguez on October 10, 2018, Wichita, Kansas.
THING_THING (2018) for cahón and electronics. Premiere by Patti Cudd, at Northwestern University, February 1, 2019.
COLORFUL COLORADO AND THE APPARITION OF VIRGIL by the University of Northern Colorado Uncommon Ensemble under the direction of Anne Lanzilotti. A graphic score created on a 1976 road map of Colorado. The players are free to interpret the composition in a variety of ways. Premiere at UNC, November 30, 2018.
KASHMIRI ROAD MOVIE (2018) – for guitar trio in three movements. 12 minutes Commissioned by Nathan Fischer and the Silver Sands Guitar Trio for performance in Australia and Malaysia. Premiere pending.
TEN NOCTURNES FOR SOLO PIANO (2018) for Mireia Frutos. 15 minutes. Premiere on October 28, 2019, University of Northern Colorado.
ALTERNATE CONSTELLATIONS (2017) – for solo piano in three movements. 7.5 minutes. Premiered by Mireia Frutos, 8th Annual Malaysian Composers Festival, November 26, 2017, Kuala Lumpur.
TEATRO DE REFLEJOS (2017) – oboe and piano, five movements, 12 minutes. Premiered April 3, 2017, University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, Eurydice Alvarez, oboe, and Willem van Schalkwych, piano.
RAINDRIPS TO RETHFERNHIM (2017) – three movements for mezzo-soprano and piano on text by James Joyce from Finnegans Wake, 10 minutes. Premiered by mezzo-soprano Alice Simmons and Clare Toomer, March 17, 2018, Ramsbury, UK.
PUNJABI PODCAST (2017) – string quartet, 5 minutes. Premiered by All Strings Considered, August 22, 2017, Wichita, Kansas, Wichita Art Museum for a presentation of Pakistani truck art.
THE DOLOROUS ABYSS (2017)—Graphic score, indeterminate instrumentation and time. Premiered by Du.0, July 2017, Brooklyn, New York.
BLUE PILLARS OF NIGHT (2017) – saxophone quartet, 12 minutes. Commissioned by Jon Gudmundson and the Strange Angels Quartet. Premiere pending.
ÉMISSIONS TRANSPARENT (2016, in five movements) – solo electric guitar, cello, piano, iPad melotron, and interactive electronics, 24 minutes. Premiered at the Nuit d’hiverfestival, GRIM (Groupes de recherche et d’improvisation musicale), Marseille, France, December 20, 2016, Jean-Marc Montera, soloist; broadcast on France Musique, À l’improviste, February 2, 2017.
ÉTERNITÉ AU-DESSOUS DES MERS DE NUAGES (2016) – wind ensemble. Premiere pending.
NEIGHBORS (2016) – for two-channel fixed media and silent film by Buster Keaton (1920);
premiered at Ithaca College, Ithaca, New York, February 1, 2016.
CLARINET AND PIANO (2015) –Lauren Jacobson, clarinet, and Futaba
Niekawa, at the ADEC Clarinet Festival, Madrid, Spain. Premiered July 22, 2015.
SCHOOLBOOK THERMODYNAMICS AND ASCENSION (2015)—saxophone and percussion, for percussionist Stuart Gerber and saxophonist Jan Berry Baker, 11:00. Premiered April 2015, Greeley, Colorado.
RÊVE EN NOIR (2015) –solo flute, piano, and narration with iPad tone generator, for Kristen Dye, 7:00.
EVENSONG EVOCATION (2015)–solo violin, two-channel electronic fixed media and
video. Premiered April 17, 2016, Jubal Fulks, violin, University of Northern Colorado.
PLUTONIC WINDS (2015), for five percussion and solo soprano with text in
collaboration with poet Albert Goldbarth. Premiered at the University of Iowa, Aly
Olson, soprano, Daniel Moore, director, November 1, 2015.
EVENSONG EVOCATION (2015)–solo violin and two-channel electronic fixed media with
video. Premiered April 17, 2016, Jubal Fulks, violin, University of Northern Colorado.
SEVEN-THIRTY (2015)– violin duo, premiered by Du.0, Aimée Niemann and Charlotte Munn-Wood, Brooklyn, NY, March 2015.
NEW JERUSALEM (2014)– percussion ensemble, baritone soloist, spiritual choir, harp, piano, double bass; 21:00. For the ARISE Spiritual Singers and the Wichita State Percussion Ensemble.
REVISED DREAMS 3.1415926 . . . (2014) – Solo bass with iPad tone generator,
commissioned by Joe Pruessner, Malaysian National Orchestra, 8:00. Premiered November 3, 2016, Kuala Lumpur.
PUNCHING HOLES IN SPACE (2014) – commissioned by saxophonist Jon Gudmundson,
associate professor of music with the Caine College of the Arts, Utah State University,
Logan, and scored for baritone and alto saxophones with trumpet and percussion.
Premiered at the World Saxophone Congress, Strasbourg, France, July 10, 2015
DARK WOOD (2014), Smith Publications, for solo snare drum, released in The Noble Snare, second edition, 2014.
LUNAR SERENGETI (2013) – 9:00, wind ensemble, St. Omer, France, a selection of the committee in the competition, “Coups de Vents.” Premiered April 11, 2015.
TAOS JUNCTION (2013) – Graphic score, indeterminate instrumentation. Premiered by Rob Voisey’s Hard Eight in New York City, Jan Hus Church, December 8, 2013.
DESERT ECLAT (2013) – Graphic Score, solo percussion, 7:00. Premiered by Daniel Moore, University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, April 22, 2013.
UNDER THE TABLE (revised 2013), 10:30 – tenor, violin, cello, banjo. Premiere by Paul Smith, tenor, John Harrison, violin, Susan Mayo, cello, Elwood, banjo, premiered at Emporia State University, Kansas, January 2013.
UNDER THE TABLE (2012), 10:30 – soprano, flute, cello, banjo; composition based on auctioneer’s patter. Premiere by the Callithumpian Consort, Stephen Drury, director, New England Conservatory, Boston, Massachusetts, February 29, 2012
THE IMNAGE [SIC] OF GIRL-CLOUD PENSIVE (2012)– tuba and piano, for Jason Byrnes, 7:30. Premiered at the 2012 International Tuba-Euphonium Conference in Austria.
VESPERS FOR MR. ALLEN (2012) – alto and tenor saxophones with fixed-media playback,
9:15. For Jon Gudmundson and Julia Nolan. Premiere at the World Saxophone Congress, July 2012, St. Andrews, Scotland
ASTRAL SILENCE (2012) – large chamber ensemble (winds, brass, piano, harp, harpsichord, and strings), 25:00. Premiered April 22, 2013, University of Northern Colorado, Greeley.
ANGELUS (2012) – symphonic winds, 12:00. Premiere by the University of Northern
Colorado Wind Ensemble, Kenneth Singleton, director, February 14, 2012.
CUT (2012) for solo percussion and fixed-media. On Innova Recordings, Eos, by Patti Cudd, released 2017.
TONUS PEREGRINUS (2011) – cello and piano, 7’45”. Recording on Sound Cloud with cellist Gal Faganel and Caleb Harris.
DRY AND DUSTY (2010), 14:00 – string quartet, piano, banjo, Bulgarian tambura. Premiere by the composer on banjo, Valerie Dimchev, tamboura, and a student ensemble, AmBul Festival of American and Bulgarian music, Sofia, Bulgaria, October 5, 2010
STRANGE ANGELS (2010), 9:30. for two-channel fixed media. Premiered at the Harwood Museum of Art, Taos, New Mexico, June 2010.
CLEAN CUT (2010) – for solo cello, percussion ensemble, and power tools, 15:00. Premiered by soloist Gal Faganel with the UNC Percussion Ensemble, Gray Barrier, conducting.
DEIRDRE’S LAMENT (2010), 50:00 – flute, two percussion, piano, two violins, cello, electronics, and banjo. Ballet commissioned and choreographed by Monte Black; premiered by a faculty and student ensemble, University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, March 22-25, 2010
MARFA LIGHTS (2010), two flutes, 8 minutes. Premiered June 2010, Harwood Museum of Art, Taos, New Mexico, by Jessi Rozinski and Nancy Laupheimer.
A FORTY-FOUR SMOKELESS (2009), 25:00 – banjo, clarinet, piano, two percussion, premiered by Zeitgeist with the composer on banjo, St. Paul, Minnesota, May 29, 2009. Commissioned by Zeitgeist with support from the American Composers Forum and the Jerome Foundation.
ARKANSAS POWER SURGE (2009), 13:00 – alto and baritone saxophones. Premiered by Jon Gudmundson and Mark Watkins, World Saxophone Congress, Bangkok, Thailand, July 2009. Commissioned by Gudmundson.
CAPRICIOUS APPARITIONS (2009), 17:00 – two violas and bowed banjo. Premiered by Elwood on banjo, and Juliet White-Smith and Timothy Deighton, violas, International Viola Congress, Stellenbosch, South Africa, August 1, 2009. Commissioned by White-Smith.
ASHE COUNTY LAMENT (2008), 7:30 – solo piano and electronics, commissioned and premiered by Rose Chancler, Pianorondack Festival, Elizabethtown, New York, September 7, 2008.
LA PLANETE TERRE (2008), 8:30 – flugelhorn and English horn. Commissioned and premiered by Robert Murray, flugelhorn and Lauren Murray, English horn, University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, April 13, 2009.
KILLER’S KISS (2008), 8:00 – for solo Bb clarinetist/tap-dancer (player tap-dances while performing). Premiered and commissioned by by Jaime Askvig, the University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, January 20, 2009.
DID IT MAKE ANY DIFFERENCE? (2008), 4:00 – oboe and bassoon, premiere by Lauren Murray and Charles Hansen, Greeley, Colorado, September 17, 2008.
THE ETERNAL SKY (2008), 9:30 – flute and piano, commissioned by flutist Jessi Rozinski, premiered by Rozinski and pianist Yukiko Takagi, Boston, Massachusetts, September 17, 2009.
I ASKED IF IT MADE ANY DIFFERENCE (2008) – solo piano and fixed-media. Rose Chancler, soloist. Performed May 7, Brandon, Vermont, and May 15, 2016, Windsor University, Windsor, Ontario.
OVER LOOKING GLASS FALLS (2007), 6:00– orchestra, commissioned by the North Carolina Symphony premiered with William Henry Curry conducting, Meymandi Concert Hall, Raleigh, North Carolina, February 8, 2007.
THE INEVITABLE DESCENT OF HEAVEN (2007) – Stuart Gerber, solo percussion on high metals: glockenspiel, triangles, rin bells, wind chimes w/electric fan, etc. Smith Publications.
PUNJABI SALI ANN (2007), 9:30 – choir (SAT). Commissioned by Les Polyphonies Bourlingueuses. Premiered in Aix-en-Provence, France, June 2007.
ALLEGHENIES OF DREAMS (2007), 10:00 – cello and five-string banjo; premiere by Elwood on banjo and Nan Kimberling on cello at Georgia State University on a neoPhonia concert, Atlanta, Georgia, November 13, 2007.
WELL, MAYBE I DID (2007), 6:30, – vibraphone, three marimbas and drum set. Premiered by Elwood (bass marimba), Kevin Bobo, Kevin Findley, and Daniel Moore with Matt Wilson, drums, Wichita State University, Wichita, Kansas, April 22, 2007.
LE SPLENDIDE-HÔTEL ET LE CHAOS DE GLACES (2007), Smith Publications, released in Summit, an anthology of compositions for solo orchestra bells, 2007.
IN BLUE SPACES (2006), 9:30 – commissioned by Roger Landes for solo bouzouki and chamber ensemble. Premiere by Landes and the newEar Ensemble, Kansas City, Missouri, November 1, 2008.
SONG WITHOUT FORGIVENESS (2005), 7:00 – soprano and piano, on a text by David St. John, commissioned by Amanda Gardner and premiered in Asheville, North Carolina, July 24, 2005.
JEWISH POETS OF ARABIC SPAIN (10th & 13th CENTURIES) WITH CHINESE POETS PIPING OUT OF THE CLOUDS (AND ONCE AN IRISHMAN) (2004), 11:00, soprano and piano, text by Albert Goldbarth. Premiered by Julia Broxholm, soprano, Christopher Harding, piano, Brevard College, Brevard, North Carolina, January 30, 2004.
BRIDGES (2004), 7:30 – solo piano. Premiered by Barry Salwen, soloist, Wilmington, North Carolina, June 5, 2005.
JOHN HARTFORD’S CADILLAC (2004), 9:00 – banjo, 2-channel recording, and processed clogging. Premiered by the composer, Brevard College, Brevard, North Carolina, February 4, 2004.
ROAD OF DARKNESS, DISTANT MOON (2003), 11:00 – double bass, flute/piccolo, percussion, five-string banjo. Premiered by bassist Bertram Turetzky, Nancy Turetzky, flute, Nicholas Hennies, percussion and the composer on banjo, University of California, San Diego, January 15, 2003.
THE INEVITABLE DESCENT OF HEAVEN (2003), 7:30 – solo glockenspiel with high metals and electric fan. Premiered by Stuart Gerber, Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia, September 23, 2003. Published by Smith Publications, 2005.
ALBRECHT DURER 2: MELENCOLIA I (2003), 10:00 – alto saxophone, guitar, and percussion. Premiered by Jon Gudmundson, saxophone; Roger Cope, guitar; Paul Elwood, percussion, World Saxophone Congress, Minneapolis, Minnesota, July 12, 2003.
ALBRECHT DURER 1: ST. JEROME IN HIS CELL (2002), 10:00 – two pianos. Premiered by Stephen Drury and Yukiko Takagi, New England Conservatory of Music, Summer Institute for Contemporary Performance Practice, Boston, Massachusetts, June 23, 2003.
AMONG VANISHED AVIATORS (2001), 8:30. – two channel, MAX/MSP-generated electronic playback with solo banjo. Premiered by the composer at the Cold Alternativa Festival, Dom Cultural Center, Moscow, Russia, January 13, 2001.
CIRCO DE MONTES, TEATRO DE LAS NUBES (2001), 9:30 – flute, clarinet, violin, viola, cello, 9.5’.Commissioned by Ensemble Signos with funds from the Rockefeller Foundation. Premiered by Signos, April 21, 2001, Mexico City; recorded on Espejo, a CD of works commissioned by Signos.
STANLEY KUBRICK’S MOUNTAIN HOME (2001), 25:00 – soprano, Appalachian instruments (fiddle, banjo, mandolin, guitar), flute, clarinet, piano, violin, cello. Premiered by Deborah Baxter, soprano, Stephen Drury, piano, Matthew Combs, fiddle, Elwood on banjo, KNOB Festival in Wichita, Kansas, October 20, 2001.
ETUDES FROM SHADOW RED WITH SUN FOR SOLO PIANO (2000), 25:00 – Etudes 1-3 premiered Jodi Gandolfi, Djerassi Artist Resident Program, Woodside, California, July 2000; Etudes 6 and 9 premiered at the Summer Institute for Contemporary Piano and Performance by pianists Yukiko Takagi and Shannon Wettstein, New England Conservatory, Boston, Massachusetts, June 21, 2001.
THE GOLDEN ROAD (1999), 11:00 – pipa, five-string banjo, and piano. Premiered by pipa player Min Xiao-Fen, pianist Stephen Drury, and banjoist Paul Elwood at the New England Conservatory, Boston, Massachusetts, February 2000.
A VAST OCEAN OF PROMISE (1999), 18:00 – solo bassoon with flute, clarinet, piano, two violins, viola, and five-string banjo. Premiered by soloist Joshua Hood with the chamber ensemble of Summerfest, Kansas City, Missouri, July 10, 1999.
MEADOWS OF FLAME (1999) for amplified piano and Max-programmed MIDI keyboard 2002. Released by the Accademia Musicale Pescarese, on a CD of winners of the Pierre Schaeffer Computer Music Competition. (3rd place).
VIGILS (1998) for solo piano, 10:00. Published by C.F. Peters. Winner of the Sigman Alpha Iota Philanthropies Inter-American Award.
TWO EXTREMITIES (1998) 7:30 – soprano, piano, bowed five-string banjo, flute, violin, and wine glasses. Premiered by Amy Brown, soprano; Lauren Weiss, flute; Paul Elwood, banjo; Anna Lim, violin; and Chris Theofanidis, piano, American Academy in Rome, November 23, 1998.
ALTARS ALTERED (1998) 6:00 – flute and piano. Premiered by Donald Berman, piano, and Lauren Weiss, American Academy in Rome, November 23, 1998.
SOUTHERN HARMONY (1997) 13:00 – clarinet, percussion, and piano. Premiered by David Kirby, clarinet; Diane Cash, percussion and Katherine Palmer, piano, Brevard, North Carolina, September 11, 1997
CELESTIAL FORESTS (1997), 11:00 – two percussion. Premiered by Ricardo Gallardo and Kirk Brundage at the National Centre for the Arts, Mexico City, May 11, 1997.
A LANDSCAPE OF DREAMS (1997), 15:00 – for string quartet. Premiered by the Dehler String Quartet, the German National Theater, Weimar, Germany, February 1998.
A BOWL OF LIGHT (1996), 9:30 – four percussion. Premiered by the Brevard College Percussion Ensemble, Diane Cash, conductor, Brevard, North Carolina, April 1, 1997
IN THE ZONE (1996) 12:00 – solo banjo with string orchestra, percussion, and piano.
Premiered by the Brevard Chamber Orchestra, Virginia Tillotson conducting, Elwood as soloist, Brevard, North Carolina, November 10, 1996
AIR (1996), 6:30 – piano and percussion. Premiered by Sandra Brown, piano and Patti Cudd, percussion at the University of California-San Diego, May 12, 1996.
THE VAULT OF HEAVEN, THE CRYSTAL SEA (1995), 20:00 – solo cello with flute, clarinet, percussion, piano, and violin. Doctoral dissertation. Premiered with soloist Jonathan Golove, and The Instrumental Factor, Erik Oña, conducting, Buffalo, New York, February 1995.
L’ETUDE DES ASTRES (1995), 8:00 – solo multiple percussion, 8:00. Premiered by Kirk Brundage on tour in Holland, December 1995
THE PERFUMED AND BLUE ABYSS (1995), 6:00 – solo bass marimba, 1994. Commissioned by percussionist Daniel Moore. Premiered in Lexington, Kentucky, January 1995.
ALONG THE MYSTIC THRUWAY (1993), 9:00 – flute, piano, cello. Premiered by Trio Phoenix, Musée des beaux-arts, on the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, in Ottawa, Ontario, November 3, 1996.
FOUR/EIGHT (1993), 15:00 – five-string banjo and cello, co-composed with cellist Hank Roberts. Premiered March 10, 1993 by the composers on a live concert broadcast, WBFO Radio, Buffalo, New York
OCEANO, 1936 (1993), 7:00 – solo piano. Premiered at June In Buffalo by Luk Vaes, Buffalo, New York, June 1993.
GLASS HORIZON (1993), 16:00 – solo harp, five percussion, and piano. Premiered by harpist Ann Roush with the Wichita State University Percussion Ensemble under J. C. Combs in Wichita, Kansas, November 1993.
IRISH WAKE FOR JOHN CAGE (1993), 15:00 – Irish harp, five-string banjo, and miscellaneous Irish folk instruments with tapes of James Joyce reading from Ulysses and Finnegan’s Wake. Premiered by harpist Beth Ann Breneman and banjo player Paul Elwood, WBFO Radio, Allen Hall, Buffalo, New York, March 15, 1993
CANDLE OF THE SALE (1992), 4:20 – string quartet. Premiered by the Scottish Chamber Orchestra String Quartet, Hoy, Orkney, Scotland, as part of Peter Maxwell Davies’ Hoy Course for Young Composers, August 6, 1992.
DISBANDED HORIZONS (1992), 15:30 – string quartet. Premiered at June In Buffalo by the June In Buffalo String Quartet, Buffalo, New York, June 1992
BIG SKY (1991), 7:30 – Bb clarinet, piano, percussion, and violin. Premiered at June In Buffalo, with conductor Harvey Sollberger, Buffalo, New York, June 1991
FOUR DIRECTIONS (1991) 6:00 – flute soloist wearing Velcro-soled shoes. Written for and premiered by Rachel Rudich, Los Angeles, California, October 1991
RISING FROM UNSPEAKABLE PLAINS (1990), 9:00 – solo piano. Performed by Heydée Schvartz at the State University of New York at Buffalo, November 1990.
THE VOID BENEATH THE COFFEE TABLE (1989), 15:00 – solo banjo, flute, Bb clarinet, piano, violin and cello. Re-scoring of a 1986 percussion ensemble composition with solo banjo. Premiered at the Wichita Art Association by the Wichita New Music Ensemble with Paul Elwood as banjo soloist, Wichita, Kansas, November 1989.
LES FLEUVES DU PRINTEMPS (1989), 11:00 – five percussion, keyboards and harp with
amplified shower stalls and audience chorus. Commissioned and performed by the Wichita State University Percussion Ensemble, J.C. Combs, director, Wichita, Kansas, April 1989
USHER (1989), 40:00 – flute, Bb clarinet, percussion, piano, violin and ‘cello with the 1929
silent film “The Fall of the House of Usher,” 40:00. Performed by the Wichita New Music Ensemble at the Wichita Art Association, Wichita, Kansas, May 20, 1988.
FUNERAL MUSIC (on the Death of a President of Taiwan) (1988), 8:30 – five-string banjo and tape. Premiered by Paul Elwood with dancers from the Wichita State University School of Performing Arts/Dance at the Wichita Art Association, Wichita, Kansas, October 1988.
PILOT JACK KNIGHT: AVIATOR (1987), 4:30 – flute, bass clarinet, piano, percussion, violin, and ‘cello, 4:30. Performed on tour in the Wichita Public Schools by the Wichita New Music Ensemble, Wichita, Kansas, February 1987.
PASSING THINGS (Doppler Shifts) (1987), 5:00 – solo cello. Premiered by Susan Mayo, on tour in the Wichita Public Schools, Wichita, Kansas, February 1987.
THE AIR-CONDITIONED NIGHTMARE (1987), 5:00 – marching band drum line with
supportive percussion, 5:00. Commissioned and premiered by the Wichita State University Marching Band Drum Line, Wichita, Kansas, October 1987
DISTANCES (1986), 4:50 – orchestra. Commissioned by the Wichita Public Schools
USD 259 and by the Wichita Symphony Orchestra. Premiered at the Wichita Symphony Young People’s Concerts, Michael Palmer, director, Wichita, Kansas, March 1986.
THE VOID BENEATH THE COFFEE TABLE (1986), 23:00 – five-string solo banjo, percussion ensemble, keyboards and harp, 23:00. Performed by the Wichita State
University Percussion Ensemble under J.C. Combs with banjo soloist Tony Trischka, Wichita, Kansas, November 23, 1986.
QUADRALOGUE (1986), 3:00 – string quartet. Premiered by the Wichita State University Graduate String Quartet on tour in the Wichita Public Schools, Wichita, Kansas, spring 1986.
ECHOES (1986), 4:00 – solo B-flat bass clarinet. Premiered by Michael Unruh on tour in the Wichita Public Schools, Wichita, Kansas, February 1986EDGARD VARESE IN THE GOBI DESERT (1983), 17:00 – Velcro tap-dance soloist, percussion ensemble, and harp. Premiered by the Southern Methodist University Percussion Ensemble in Dallas, Texas, with Kelly Werts as soloist, April 20,